Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

1. Make 1 centerline and 2 back lines at the ends of a yard or field (leave space past these back lines so those running full tilt have room to stop).

2. Make 2 teams. Each team then huddles at opposite ends of the field and chooses which hand signal to throw. (In case you've forgotten: rock breaks scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.)

3. Have the teams gather at the centerline, fanning out nose-to-nose.

4. Together (and with gusto), all chant: "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" On "shoot," players quickly throw their pre-chosen selection.

5. The team that loses the shoot must race for the safety of its own back line, trying to avoid being tagged by the winning team.

6. Any player who gets tagged must defect to the other side. If both teams throw the same shoot, all must quickly sit down. The last one to hit the ground switches teams.

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