Frisbee Fakeout
This Frisbee game is a form of keep-away - Frisbee style! You need a large field and a large group of people (10 or more).
Lay out boundaries like a football/soccer field - two end zones and a slightly larger zone in the middle. Two teams are needed. One team stands in the central zone, the other team divides its players between the two end zones. Everyone must stay within the boundaries.
The end-zone team has the Frisbee and tries to pass it from one end zone to the other, without missing or dropping it, and without it being intercepted by the other team.
If the end-zone team fails to pass the Frisbee in three tries, or if the central-zone team intercepts it, then the teams switch places. The central-zone team sends half its players into each end zone and the end-zone team move to the middle to try to regain possession of the Frisbee. The quicker this is done, the more exciting it will be!
You can make up your own scoring system, or just play for the fun of it - trying for spectacular throws, amazing saves and fabulous fakeouts.
Frisbee Football
A minimum of 6 people are needed to play this frisbee game.
Frisbee football is played like touch football with the following differences:
The team "kicking off" throws the Frisbee from their own goal line.
A first down is gained when a team crosses the midfield line with the Frisbee, or when three consecutive forward passes are completed in one series of downs.
Punts and kick-offs are thrown. If the Frisbee goes beyond the end zone on either a punt or kick-off, it is returned to the nearest quarter-field line. If it flies out of bounds, the receiving team has the choice of moving the line of scrimmage either to midfield or to the place where the Frisbee went out-of-bounds.
If you are really into tackle football instead of touch - then go for it!
Frisbee Golf
Frisbee golf, like real golf, is best played with 2-4 players.
Place your Disc Golf Catcher a good 200 ft. distance away (or choose an object such as a tree, a garbage can, a lawn chair, etc.) - away from people please! Then map out your course (with dog-legs, hazards, etc.).
How to score? The number of shots it takes you to hit the target with your Frisbee - standard golf rules apply.
Play 9 or 18 holes, as you wish. Each player taking a turn mapping out the next hole.
For frisbee golf, I highly recommend a 3 Disc Golf Set . The set of three discs includes driver, mid-range and putt-and-approach discs for versatile play on all types of courses.
You may need a "Good Samaritan Rule". If a stranger comes along and picks up your Frisbee and throws it back to you, you have to play the next shot from where it lands. If you are able to catch the Good Samaritan's throw, you can play the shot from where it's caught and deduct one point from your score. Watch out for canine Good Samaritans!
Frisbee Keep-Away Tag
For this frisbee game of tag you will need at least 6 players. The objective of this game, as the name suggests, is to keep the Frisbee away from those who are "it".
First of all, determine some boundaries for your game - and remember to allow for plenty of room! Between one-third to one-half of the players will be "it".
The Frisbee is thrown from player to player, with hopes of keeping it away from those that are "its". If a player who is "it" catches the Frisbee, then the person who last threw the Frisbee is now "it". The person who caught it is no longer "it".
A player who is "it" may also tag a player who is holding the Frisbee. Then they will change positions.
If the Frisbee goes out-of-bounds, the thrower becomes "it". The only ones who can retrieve the out-of-bounds Frisbee are the other players who are "it'. The person to gain control of the Frisbee is no longer "it".
Frisbee Relay
This relay type race is best for 8-12 people, divided into two teams. Two Frisbees are needed, one for each team.
Each team should spread out in a line about 50 ft. (or more) apart from each other. On "GO!" the first person in the line of each team throws the Frisbee to the second person. That person allows the Frisbee to land, goes to where it landed, then throws it to the next person in their line, and so on.
The object of the game is to see which team can throw the Frisbee the furthest in the fastest time (to the last person in their line).
Frisbee Rounders (Frisbee Baseball)
For large groups: 18 players (2 teams of 9)
For this Frisbee game you will need 7 cones. Set up a diamond, similar to baseball. Like teeball, there is no pitcher; otherwise the field positions are similar.
The "batter" simply throws the disc from homebase (must rethrow if it is a foul or doesn't travel at least 5m). The batter may run up to throw, but if they release too late, then it is also a foul. Just like baseball, three fouls mean the batter is out. Batter is also out if his/her throw is caught. Runners are out if the disc reaches the base they are running towards before they do. Only the fielders on a base (the basemen) may run with the disc; everyone else must throw it to a baseman. The batting team gets a run each time a runner reaches home base, when they get 3 outs the teams switch sides. For safety reasons, have the fielders be at least 5m away from the batter.
New Frisbee
This is a basic throw and catch frisbee game for two or more players. The difference is in how you score points.
First of all, each player must declare which hand they will use to catch and which hand they will use to throw. This must remain constant throughout the game.
The player who catches decides the points for both himself and the thrower. Therefore, the catcher must make an all-out effort to catch the Frisbee. If he has launched, dived and leaped and still does not catch it, he awards himself 1 point. If the flight of the Frisbee is direct and he still does not catch it, the thrower is given 1 point.
The thrower is awarded 2 points if the catcher reaches the Frisbee but fumbles and drops it. If the Frisbee tilts more than 45 degrees from the horizontal during flight, the catcher can call "Forty-Five!" and award himself 1 point. This gives the thrower an incentive to master his art!
If both the throw and the catch are good, absolutely no points are awarded.
Ultimate Frisbee
Healthy Tip:
30 Minutes of playing Ultimate will burn 290 calories!
Ultimate Frisbee is very similar to Frisbee Fakeout. Basically, two teams and a playing field are needed (with sidelines and a goal line at each end). It is best played with 7 players on each team.
To score a goal, a team must complete a pass to a player standing (or more likely running) in the endzone they are attacking.
You must not run with the Frisbee in your hands. If you catch it, you must stop and attempt to pass it to another team member. If the Frisbee lands on the ground, or is intercepted by the other team, then the opposing team gets possession of the Frisbee (called a "turnover"). It is also considered a turnover if the Frisbee or player is out of bounds.
Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact game. It is considered a foul if contact is made between players while trying to catch the Frisbee.
This game provides an entire afternoon of fun. Make up your own rules, deciding on how many goals constitute a win, or just play until you drop!
Following the basic rules, Ultimate can be played with balls, water balloons, paper airplanes or anything else you can think of. It could also be a lot of fun played in slow motion, or on your hands and knees, or even tried with three teams instead of two. You are only limited by your imaginations!